Wow! June was quite an adventure. The most exciting topic to cover is our appearance at NFT NYC, and how this experience accelerated progress. I can’t wait to tell you all about it. Lets take a look.
As you can imagine this event was absolutely MASSIVE. Estimates are over 15K attendees. It spans 4 days (including the first day for registration). Over 1,500 speakers, and an expo hall that consumed 9 floors of the Marriott in NYC. This is a lot to take in.
During our rounds we were thrilled to meet some of our friends from Twitter and Discord in person finally. We also spent a significant amount of time hanging out with the Sandfam, and Sandbox community, it was an amazing experience. It wasn’t long before we were absolutely immersed into the community. We were surprised and captivated that our project is known around the globe, this gives us an extra boost of confidence to proceed with what we love doing- creating! Lets take a look at a few take-aways from this experience.
No bear here
The amount of people working to build and improve block chain technology is astounding. There was no talk of a bear market here at all. In fact, its hard to even believe the market is in a downturn after this experience. This community is building with love, and creativity. These developers are not just droning away for some corporation and these artists are not just creating as a dull day job, where they are not allowed artistic freedom. They are building a new world through technology from the ground up, and its being driven by creative, smart people. It’s very inspiring to see.
It was immediately evident that everyone at NFT NYC knows they are a part of something that will be shaping the future. This event brought in people from all backgrounds, and industries. Within just an hour of my day I had talked to a high school teacher, a lawyer, a musician, a developer, and a fan. Before the existence of NFTs these people would never have a reason to meet. Each time a new person enters into this sphere new opportunities, and new connections are instantly made.
People are not just out there buying PFP’s and other NFTs so they have a new jpeg to show off. They are investing in communities, and projects they believe in. These communities are offering insane real world benefits, that are only available to community members.
Moving Forward
Once we made the decision to show up at NFT NYC we had several projects we needed to move quick on. First up, we needed business cards to hand out. Most business cards are just getting tossed out, or stuffed in a wallet until it degrades. We decided to go a different route, and last minuet have printed have released a series of holographic collector cards!
These were very well received, and I ended up giving away the entire collection.
Since these cards will reference, we were forced to make significant progress on our website well. We needed content for the site, so we have also put together the first revision of our demo reel, which we will official release upon completion.
Recently we were able to hire 4 new artists, and I will update everyone next month with who they are, and some of their works.
This coming month we start pre-production on a project we will soon announce. In addition to that we will be on boarding new hires, and continuing to build.
Thank you for reading, please stay tuned for future updates by following us here on Medium, and other Socials.
Chris | SR Co-Founder