As always, we have been busy this month. Here is a quick re-cap of what the Sand Rush team has been working on.
First off, we too care of a lot of administrative tasks. The amount of work being done on the back-end for this type of projects increases continuously as the project evolves. Below are some examples of what we have recently achieved.
Discord will play a major role in our community development. Our plan is to open the Sand Rush discord to the public very soon. We feel it is important to adhere to community standards, and as a result we have recently opened up many new channels, and added a bunch of bots. For example #Rules, #FAQ, #Roles, #Welcome, #Community-chat, games, events, just to name a few.
Needless to say, we expect to go live soon. This was an extensive, and mandatory project. We plan to leverage our community in Discord by offering events, leader boards, and rolls. This will help us gain popularity and ensure the success of Jungle Rush.
Twitter continues on pace as expected.
We have reached the point where it is time to make some decisions about story line, and establishing in-game quests. To accomplish this, we starting using a web-based software called ArcWeave. This is an excellent tool for story boarding, and a fun way to work out ideas with other members of the team. Thanks to this tool we now have a clear path to follow as we establish game logic, and pathfinding. Unfortunately not all the lore can be expressed through game play, however, I will consider writing another post with regards to Jungle Rush lore.
We have added two new artists to our team, and are thrilled to have Beryllchen and Kosmikoyote join us on this incredible and crazy journey. We have also decided to build two separate artist teams. One group for environmental assets (Anuran Tribe), and one group for mech assets(Mech Tribe). So far this has worked out great. It has given us direct line of communication to people working on similar projects. These smaller groups seem to have opened new channels of communication, we have seen several examples of people sharing their progress, and looking for suggestions. This has also opened the doors to several excellent brain storming session, and we look forward to seeing where this will go. Ultimately we would like everyone to feel conformable, and open with their groups. We hope this will help everyone get to know each other.
As much as we would love to, we will not be displaying ALL of the things we have built this month, but if you continue reading, I have some samples below from both artist teams.
Anuran Tribe
The Anuran tribe has developed a really good series of leaf clusters, along with a modular tree assembly kit.
We discovered each of these detailed trees have a very high face count when assembled. So, unfortunately we will not be able to use these to cover larger surface areas, or build a forest. However, our intention is to use these in areas the player is able to approach, and explore the intricacies.
We ended up making an additional tree kit with much larger foliage to help cover larger surfaces where needed. Our intention here is to ensure the Jungle Rush environment is lively and beautiful.
As you can see in the example above, we have been pushing to complete our environmental assets, and have spent time working on everything from huge trees all the way down to grass patches. We are happy with the results we have here visually, but again with a high face count, so these grass patches will be used only in appropriate areas.
Mech Tribe
The mech tribe has a lot going on as well. In addition to being in charge of the mech tribe assets, Members from this group are also handling more technical things such as development on our webpage, an a few other proprietary projects we have coming down he pipe line.
One thing we have learned from this, mech’s and robots are really fun to talk about and create. The amount of concepts and ideas flowing from this group is endless. A lot of time is spent concepting, and trying to make sure we are able to get everyone on the same page.
Custom animations are time consuming, however they are necessary for this project, and we don’t mind making it happen. We expect all of the mech assets to have appropriate animations. Walk, Run, Attack, Death and Idle for example. Down the road if these require additional animated sequences, we will accommodate accordingly.
We have been focused on our project with intent, and are using our resources to the best of our ability. We are currently not available for commission work, Sorry to those we have had to decline. We are however, interested in developing friendships, and are looking for like minded people, and groups that might be interested in hanging out with us on discord, and maybe even work on a project together in the future.
Thank you for reading, please stay tuned for future updates by following us here on Medium, and other socials.